Today’s Houston
Chronicle has an op-ed by local Congressman Kevin Brady (subscription
required; here’s the column on Rep. Brady’s website:
The column gives a pretty good indication of the degree to which the mind of the
Republican Party is still held captive by economism, and how apparently
incapable the GOP is of having any ideas that are not suggested by that
First, Rep. Brady cites the economic woes facing the U.S.,
and he does quite a reasonable job here:
The recovery to date is notably weak
College debt is worse than ever
Wall Street is booming while the middle class
suffers (a rare admission from the right that there’s such a thing in America
as income inequality, and that it matters)
In fact, just about all that Rep. Brady leaves out is that
the recovery has sputtered even more since Congress forced the sequester on us.
That little bit of news won’t fit the economism rulebook because it suggests
that government spending actually helps the economy.
So Rep. Brady
concludes that something is wrong and that we need to change course. Everything
in the above list is presumably to be blamed on the Obama Administration,
despite the fact that the reason there is any recovery at all is due to the
stimulus that George Bush started and Obama continued, and had Obama had his
way, there would have been even more stimulus, only Republicans in Congress
fought him at every turn.
So what is the “new course” Rep. Brady recommends? Hold onto
your seats, the originality of these ideas will knock you over:
Get rid of government regulation; “Get Washington out of the way so that Main
Street can flourish again and jobs can grow”
Reform the tax code, “a Reagan-style tax reform could
create 1 million new jobs…”
Agree with all the Republican programs in the House
such as building the Keystone pipeline
In the previous post, I reviewed one of Obama’s
recent speeches on the economy and tried to summarize both what he did say, and
what he left unsaid. Rep. Brady’s tired recitation of the economism mantra
shows the opportunities that Obama is currently leaving on the table. What do
you say to someone like Rep, Brady? One thing is, “we tried that; it didn’t
work.” That’s the basic answer to all the so-called “reforms” that the GOP has
to offer; we’ve been pursuing those policies for the last four decades and the
results are disastrous both in America and world-wide, as I tried to explain
briefly in The Golden Calf. So the next thing we have to say in reply is:
People like Rep. Brady have gotten away for far too long with saying things
like this and everyone nodding their heads wisely as if the guy is actually
making sense. When people tell us, not anything reasonable about the real
world, but some fantasy stuff concocted out of a quasi-religious ideology like
economism, the rest of us have to call them on that. We need to challenge them
to defend this belief system they are promulgating, not just repeat it over and
over as if that made it true.